Job 22:28 says; Thou shalt decree a thing, and it shall be established.
A decree is defined as to determine judicially; to determine or resolve legislatively; to fix or appoint; to set or constitute by edict or in purpose.
A decree is a legal action. When we decree, we are speaking what GOD has said or promised, His word, His law. We have a legal right to do just that.
Psalm 2:7 says; I will declare the decree the Lord hath said unto me.
Declare is defined as; to make a declaration; to proclaim or avow some opinion or resolution in favor or in opposition; to make known explicitly some determination; to publish or proclaim.
But wait, there is one more definition that I want to share! Declare is also defined as…to clear; to free from obscurity; to make plain.
Now, let’s look again at Psalm 2:7; I will declare the decree the Lord has said to me.
The decree is the promise of God. It may be a promise you have found in the written word. It may be something that has been spoken prophetically to you. It may even be a promise He has spoken to your heart.
When we declare, or speak out, the decree we are making it plain and clear. We are making the end result clearly known. We are, like God, declaring the end from the beginning!
Through the power of declaring and decreeing we have been given power by God to change situations. Our part is to declare and decree spirit-filled words. To declare anointed words that can and will change our lives. The Bible says that if we decree a thing it will be established. (Job 22:28).
Let us Decree the Vision for 2025 in Jesus Mighty Name!
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